Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Seven Weeks and Counting

Today I am seven weeks. I am still SO very tired and don't seem to have any ambition to get anything done around the house. I wanna sleep 24/7! The girls have been fabulous (Abby napping twice a day and Lilly napping once and letting me rest while she has quiet time). Thank goodness for little girls!!

Baby-to-be has been busy this week. Baby's brain is continuing to develop. The circulatory system becomes more complex as lungs begin to form. Baby's face is taking shape with his eyes showing some pigmentation, visible ear holes, miniscule nostrils, and an indentation where his mouth will appear. Baby'sdigestive system and stomach are starting to form. His arms and legs are growing, but his fingers and toes have not yet developed. This week baby is as big as a pencil eraser!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

SO Tired!

I am still feeling VERY sick and I am super tired! I worked 3 - 11 last night and 6 - 2 today so I am beat! Looking VERY forward to a day off tomorrow. Saw the Doctor at Lilly and Abigail's appointment and I got some pills for my nausea. Fingers crossed that once they are in my system I will be feeling normal again. Being sick sucks! At only 6 weeks and a bit I am already finding my pants tight... I am in trouble! LOL

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Doctors Appointment Was Canceled!

I showed up with both girls today and myself. I figured I would kill 3 birds with one stone by booking all three appointments at the same time, but my Doc had to leave because her son was sick! I am going to go back and see her next Thursday now. I am still feeling VERY sick. I am looking forward to seeing her so that I can get something to cure this nausea!! Today I am 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant. 6 more weeks and I can share the news!

Monday, April 14, 2008

5 Weeks and 5 Days

Today I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant! I am feeling pretty normal I guess. Some nausea has starting without vomitting for now! LOL Fingers crossed! I don't remember feeling quite so sick at the beginning with my girls. Maybe this time we are sporting a baby boy!! I have a Doctors appointment on Thursday morning to confirm my pregnancy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A night out just Liam and I

We went out for Congratulatory dinner. LOL We sat in the stupid Pizza Hut for over an hour waiting for our dinner! Then since Dad was babysitting we decided to go shopping but because it was Saturday night everything was closed except Walmart! So... our exciting night alone consisted of Pizza Hut and Walmart!! Whoo Hoo!! Hopefully more exciting stories to come...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Took the test!

My missed period was on April 8th, 2008. I decided to take the test. I took Lilly and Abigail with me to the drug store and purchased the 2 in a package number just in case I needed a test for next month. We decided we would go and visit my mom for lunch at her work. We arrived just in time and once we were settled in the break room I snuck off to the loo and did the deed! LOL Two lines appeared very quickly.... uh oh! I had no idea what the result was because I had left the box in the car. I soon found out after leaving that I was in deed expecting! So excited and smiling so hard it hurt, I called Liam to tell him the news.
How am I ever going to keep this a secret for three months??