Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Done Deal!

I started labour pains last Thursday around 8:30pm and knew these were the real deal. Contractions were much more painful than the night before. I decided this could take a little while so Liam and I decided to lay down around 11:00pm. I actually fell asleep which was unexpected but great! I woke up around 12:30am almost dying in pain!! LOL I knew I needed to get to the hospital like NOW! I immediately woke Liam and he jumped in the shower while I called Dad to come watch the girls. Liam had an interview Friday morning at 8:30am and there was no way he was going to get any sleep! We were at the hospital about 1:30am and I was 4 cm dialated and contractions were coming much more quickly. Anna had met me in the front lobby of the hospital and took me up to labour and delivery and immediately after checking me they admitted me. When my contractions became 4 mins appart they put us in the delivery room. I was coping quite well and was very proud of myself. Liam was freaking out a little thinking it was much farther away because I was joking and laughing between contractions. I wanted to try the eppideral again in hopes that this time it would have some effect. It seemed forever before I was able to get it but I did and it worked! I was in total heaven then!! Liam would tell me when I was having a contraction at first because I couldn't feel them at all until the pressure started coming. After a discussion with the nurse we figured out that the reason I likely crowned the min after the eppideral was in place both other times was because they had broken my water before they had put it in. This time they waited! As soon as they did break my water though I needed to start breathing through my contractions again and sometimes there was no time at all between two contractions. The nurse kept saying "I will just let you get comfortable" and leaving the room but I knew baby was almost ready. I ended up ringing the bell and calling them in saying "I think it's time". Immediately the nurse and doctor came in, the nurse checked me after a VERY long contraction and said "you are 10cm and ready to push"! So I did... and one contraction she was out! It was amazing!! Tessa Julianna was born at 5:06am weighing 8lbs and 7ozs. After Abigail was born I swore I would not do this again for a VERY long time because the pain was so unbareable... but this time it was great!

Liam made it to his interview on time and was thrilled with how well it went (fingers crossed)! Being a new daddy again must have had him in fantastic spirits even with a total lack of sleep. He was able to get a little nap in in the labour delivery room after Tessa had arrived and while Anna and I got to know this new and beautiful baby.

We brought home Tessa Julianna Porter on Saturday December 6th, 2008 (the day after her birth). Her two big sisters are totally in love with her and she is a sweet little bundle.

Keep updated on our life at "And Now There Are Three!" blog by Natalie Porter. There you will be updated with our family experiences and just every day life. Thanks for following!

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