Tuesday, May 20, 2008

11 Weeks Tomorrow!

Time is slowly passing by. You think with how very busy I am keeping myself that it would go much more quickly. I am still not feeling great and continue to have my nausious moments ie. yesterday morning when I went to make Liam some coffee and there was still the old coffee filter in the coffee maker... puke? I did... three times! Yuck! I am not so much having food cravings altho most foods do not apeal to me. I can make a whole dinner and sit down to eat it just to discover that the site of the food makes me wanna get sick! Fun, fun!! Since I am almost at the three month mark now hopefully all this will end soon.

Baby weighs in at about three-tenths of an ounce this week, and his length is just under two and one-half inches (crown to rump). I am going for my physical on Thursday and we go for our ulrasound June 2nd. I will try to update more often. It is hard with two little ones to occupy and work. Plus I am finding this pregnancy is not very eventful. It is hard to think about pregnancy really when I am a going concern!

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