Tuesday, May 27, 2008

12 Weeks Tomorrow and Ultrasound on Monday

At 12 weeks all of baby's major body systems are in place. In baby's digestive system, his small intestine is no longer entwined with the umbilical cord, but instead is tucked neatly within the abdomen. Baby's nervous system continues to develop, and his/her brain's structure is fully formed. Many of his/her organs are starting to work on their own, too. For instance, the thyroid begins to secrete hormones. Next week baby will no longer be considered an embryo, but instead graduates into a fetus. He/She is already looking more and more like the baby —he even has tiny fingernails!

At 12 weeks, baby weighs in around 1.5 ounces and measures about three inches in length (from crown to rump).

The "first look" or Nuchal folds test, also know as pre-natal screening test, is one that is recommended in the first trimesteras a tool to screen for your risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. The Nuchal folds test is a screening test done by using ultrasound between week 11 and 14 of your pregnancy.

During the test, your technician will look at the folds at the back of baby's neck to measure its thickness. Researchers have measured these folds and know what the average thickness should be according to your baby's gestational age. (Babies with Down syndrome tend to have increased fluid accumulation here). This is a screening test and will tell you the likelihood of your baby being born with Down's Syndrome. If the test results are positive, further diagnostic testing in the second trimester will be recommended, such as an amniocentesis and CVS.
There is also a blood test that goes along with the ultrasound. I will be getting my blood work done on Monday also.

I am looking forward to this ultrasound but am also a bit nervous. Besides being very pukey I have not really felt pregnant yet, so seeing baby is healthy on the monitor will ease some stress I think.

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