Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Only 10 Weeks (or less I hope) to go!

I cannot believe I am 30 weeks tomorrow! It is getting down to the crunch almost and I have nothing prepared. I think it is time to decide my last day at work and start getting baby things organized. As of now the only things I really need are crib sheets and an infant car seat. I sold ours when I sold the stroller but knew I didn't want to use it again anyhow since it would be almost 4 years old then. I need to pull out the baby clothes bins and get organized. I know there are many outfits I will not use again and I could always use new things. After two, things get old LOL to look at... by me anyhow LOL Time to shop!

All About Baby
Baby's face looks much like it will when she's born. She still needs to fill out more to get the characteristic chubby infant cheeks, but she's on her way. She can move her head, open her eyes, and make breathing movements through her open nostrils (although no air comes in).
How Big Is Baby?
If little one were born today, she'd have a good chance for survival at about three pounds and nearly 11 inches long (crown to rump).

Her kicks and movements are becoming VERY uncomfortable. I am pretty sure she has turned already and I will find out for sure at my appointment on Friday.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Skip Skip Skip to the Lou!

Oh my goodness... I cannot stop peeing! Baby must be sitting directly on my bladder because I am so sick and tired of going to the lou!! I Swear I am going at least every half hour! I must admit the exercise is great though considering our bathroom is upstairs and I have to keep going up and down all day! LOL I hope baby shifts soon though or I might have to stay in the bathroom all day!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

29 Weeks, Only 77 Days to GO!

My four shifts in a row went very well. I think I may just be starting to feel better. Candice said she remembers feeling a bit better at this stage but I couldn't recall! LOL Seems I forget almost everything about my previous pregnancies! I am still getting sick in the mornings which I know did not happen this late with either of my other pregnancies. Whenever I decide to shower before I eat breakfast I get sick to my stomach bringing up bile! YUCK! The day before yesterday I had to send Lilly down stairs to grab me a bananna off the kitchen counter because I knew I couldn't make it downstairs before getting sick again!

All About Baby
Baby is filling out this week. She's adding fat to insulate her body for the day she leaves her cozy home. I can distinguish between feet and hands, head and bottom when baby-to-be moves inside me. She takes practice breaths but won't breathe air until delivery.
Baby's growth has begun to slow down now, but she will still gain approximately four pounds between now and birth. If she were born now, she would be able to breathe, but might tire easily and need assistance. Her little eyes are sensitive to light.

How Big Is Baby?
At two pounds, 12 ounces and almost 10 and one-half inches (crown to ump), little one is growing fast!
Next OBGYN appointment is a week from Friday. I hope I don't have to start going too often. I hate the drive downtown and having to lug the girls around with me!

We've Settled....???

Liam and I have settled on a name... or at least I thought we had! LOL Liam and I have it narrowed down, I should say to two names. Baby girl #3 will be either named Leila after Gramma Wilde (which Liam really wants) or Tessa which Liam and I both really like. I told him if he wanted to name her Leila that I was okay with that and then when he heard me telling people he decided he wasn't possitive that is what he wanted LOL So... at least we have it down to two! Lilly, Abigail and Leila OR Lilly Abigail and Tessa?? A few months will tell!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Much Better Day! (At work anyhow)

As I hoped today went awesome! I didn't get tightening once all day! Everyone I worked with today was fabulous which was a total bonus. I picked up a shift for tomorrow since it went so well so I will have four days of work in a row. If I can do that I am set!

We did get some sad news from the sitter today though. She is stopping childcare in her home and going on with a school board. Her and her husband are splitting and selling the house so the girls will not have her anymore. I am really sad for them. Emily was an amazing babysitter and I hate to say goodbye. Emily gave me the number of another girl here in amherstview so I hope that works out okay. Good think I only have a few months to go before I am on mat leave. Fingers crossed we can find someone to watch the girls a few days a week while I am off or we will be back at square one.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Rough Nite

I got called into work for 3 - 11 shift last evening and was quite looking forward to the shift. I was only a few hours into my shift when the tightening began. One shift at work consits of much walking. All the walking made my tummy tighten right up making it VERY difficult to walk comfortably. I did hang in there and had a hard time sleeping last night but I am taking a rest today and going to try for a day shift tomorrow. I am pretty possitive that I am not going to make it too much longer this pregnancy unless the shifts become shorter suddenly with less moving involved! Wish me luck tomorrow... or a miracle LOL I need to keep working as long as physically possible!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Got The Go Ahead

I saw my family doctor yesterday and got the go a head to start back at work. I am feeling much better now and am not scheduled until the weekend. If by chance a wake up having pain I just won't take any call-ins that day. I am hoping that returning to work will make time pass by a little more quickly.
I am 28 weeks tomorrow and am waking up a lot in the middle of the night having to use the bathroom and can only imagine it increasing in the near future. I am starting to get a bit ancy wanting this baby out now, but knowing that she is still nameless and not quite big enough yet makes me a bit more patient. I am so looking forward to her being born and to see how the girls will react to this new little miracle. I am also looking forward to losing lots of excess weight and starting to live a new lifestyle so that our family can continue to grow and be healthy!

All About Baby
Unborn baby's survival rate outside the womb increases as each week passes. If she didn't open her eyes last week, chances are she'll take her first peek this week. Baby-to-be's skeleton and muscles are maturing quickly. This week she can turn her head from side to side.
Most of the lanugo has disappeared at this point and baby may have a full head of hair by now.
How Big Is Baby?
Baby weighs in at around two pounds, seven ounces and stretches to 10 inches (crown to rump).

Friday, September 12, 2008

My First OBGYN Appointment

It was quick and painless. I showed up about 5 mins prior to my appointment, used the lou and when I came out I was taken back immediately, weighed, the nurse took my blood pressure and Dr. Jamieson came in. Lets hope everything goes this smoothly and quickly every visit from here on in. Dr. Clarke had forwarded all my information so we went through it together. I heard baby's heart beat again today and messured big at almost 31. Not uncommon considering the extra body fat! Dr. Jamieson asked me how far along I was and I had to take her word for it cause I honestly couldn't remember. She laughed saying how funny it is with first time mom's because they can tell you exactly... "I am 21 weeks, 2 days and 5 hours pregnant"! I couldn't help but laugh with her knowing how true those very words were. I knew exactly at every appointment for Lilly how far along I was. When I left my appointment I went down to the main floor to pre-register. That is all done now so that when we arrive at the hospital and I am in strong labour I can head right to delivery!

Feeling exausted today. Every day without a nap is hard on me. Early to bed for me tonight as we have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow with Gramma's memmorial.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Almost 27 Weeks and Were Losing Room in Here!

The movement I am feeling now is unreal! This still very tiny baby inside my tummy sure has a good kick. Her kick (or movement) is so strong that you can easily feel her outside my body and even see her movement. I had the t.v romote on my tummy this afternoon and we could actually see it moving when she moved!

I have been getting up in the night way too much! Now that I have this sore back I am finding I need to change positions much more often and every time I wake up I need to pee of course. The night before last I was up at least 6 times in the middle of the night needing the restroom EVERY TIME!

My back is still VERY sore. I am finding a slight improvement but not too much. It is extreemly hard to carry on with everyday living when you cannot lift things, bend or walk for a long time. Liam has been VERY good at helping me to keep the house tidy all weekend. I am sad that he has to go back to work tomorrow and my house will slowly become untidy again :(

All About Baby
This week baby-to-be opens her eyes for the first time. She'll open and shut her eyes as she gets used to her new ability. Our little one is still on the small side. Her body may look fully formed on the outside, but inside there's fine-tuning taking place, including her lungs and her brain. Our unborn baby still has some growing to do!

How Big Is Baby?
This week baby's weight hovers around two pounds and her length reaches about nine inches (crown to rump).

We are still not agreeable on names yet... it is starting to get to me a little. I feel a strong need to have this baby named before she arrives!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Oh My Aching Back!

Yesterday at work I really hurt my back. When I was in the process of transfering a resident at work the resident decided to try and sit down. Completely unexpected I stood there holding all of the residents weight and straining my back. I visited my doctor today and she has put me off for one week and I will likely be on modified duties for a week after that. I go back and see her again on the 15th of this month so hopefully all will be well by then. More updates to come. I have not updated often as my computer is broken and Liam and I haven't taken it in yet to be fixed.
As of now I am resting by back, taking tylenol (the only pain killer I am able to take) and applying heat. Rest is essential right now.