Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh My Aching... Everything!

Last night we made a short trip to Walmart to get a few new baby sleepers. Liam tried to convince me 101 times to get those onsies but I refused. He said look how cheep they are and I said it's no wonder... they have no legs! I NEVER used them with either of my girls and do not want to start now. I think they are so silly. Esspecially since baby is going to be born in the winter and will need her legs and feet covered! I can see using them in the summer when it is hot but not the winter!! Come on now! LOL

There is just something about Walmart that makes me ache all over. By the time I leave that store I can barely walk! I waddle all the way out and need to rest for the evening! It happened with both other pregnancies also. The floor there is killer!

I think baby is starting to make her way into my pelvis because my groin and hips are killing me and I can barely lift my legs even to walk this morning! I am glad the aches and pains have held off for the most part until now, but it is now I really need to get things done and can barely move to save my life. Fingers crossed I will be remotely pain free in the next few days and get things in order. I have re-organized all the clothes bins and pulled out the infant stuff but now I have 7 clothes bins sitting in my family room that I cannot put away myself. LOL And then, the craddle that I need up in our bedroom is all the way in the basement... yet another job I am unable to do myself! Looks like Liam has some work cut out for him... I better get on him... LOL I am completely kidding of course since Liam works all week and then he let me rest all weekend to ensure I didn't catch this silly cold from the girls. Thankful to him I am still cold free and plan on staying that way (knocking on my head)! Better to have an aching groin and pelvis than to have a cold while trying to take care of two sick little girls!!


Taylor said...

LOL!! I put onsies on Taylor cause it was winter, hahahha!! I never worried if she was too cold. She didn't like to be swaddled when she was first born so I put those on her for her extra layer. I still buy them, I use them for shirts in the summer, I hate it when when shirts ride up all the time. Granted most of the onsies I buy now have a cut pic or a saying on it.

Natalie said...

I like the ones with no buttons up the front mind you.. that you can put pants on with :)